Furniture Fumigation








Is your antique furniture suffering from termite or wood borer infestation?

Do you worry about your imported tailor-made furniture will cause infestation at home?

Most of the wood material in furniture is not properly treated during manufacture, and there is no anti-pest treatment requirements to import Hong Kong. Insect eggs hidden inside the wooden furniture will hatch when desired humidity and temperature and cause insect infestations.

Generally, to deal with this kind of insect infestation, insecticide is applied directly to surface or through injection and slowly penetrates into the affected area, and the insects are exposed to the insecticide and die.
However, this method takes a long time and may require repeated treatments, and cannot eliminate the pests completely.

Gas fumigation allows pesticides to thoroughly penetrate into cotton, paper, rattan, bamboo and wood materials without damaging the appearance and structure. It can completely eliminate fleas, bed bugs, and wood borers termites and other various forms of pests, including eggs, larvae, and adults hidden in furniture/materials in one treatment.

Eliminate in one treatment:
✅Bed bugs
✅Clothes moth
✅Wood borer

Fumigation method is 100% guaranteed safe and effective